Label Capture Settings
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Label
- LabelCaptureSettings
class LabelCaptureSettings
Added in version 6.5.0
- settingsFromLabelDefinitions(definitions, properties)
static settingsFromLabelDefinitions(definitions: LabelDefinition[], properties: object<string, string> | null): LabelCaptureSettings
Added in version 6.22.0
Load the settings from an array of LabelDefinition with optional hidden properties
- fromJSON(json)
static fromJSON(json: object<string,
>): LabelCaptureSettings | nullAdded in version 6.5.0
Load the settings from a JSON object representation of a label blueprint, provided to you by Scandit.
Deprecated since version 6.22: Deprecated in favour of a new way to initialize this class using LabelDefinition