Label Capture Advanced Overlay Listener
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Label.Ui
- LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlayListener
interface LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlayListener
Added in version 6.17.0
- viewForCapturedLabel(overlay, label)
viewForCapturedLabel?(overlay: LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay, label: CapturedLabel): LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlayView | null
Added in version 6.17.0
View to be drawn corresponding to the given CapturedLabel. This method will be called before anchorForCapturedLabel() and offsetForCapturedLabel(). Called from the main thread. Beware that this view can be overridden with LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay.setViewForCapturedLabel() method. This method will only be called for new tracked labels that do not have a view yet, e.g. a view set by a call to LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay.setViewForCapturedLabel().
The method no longer supports rendering any kind of images. For further details about this backwards incompatible change, contact
- anchorForCapturedLabel(overlay, label)
anchorForCapturedLabel?(overlay: LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay, label: CapturedLabel): Anchor
Added in version 6.17.0
Anchor point that should be used for the view corresponding to the given CapturedLabel. This method will be called after viewForCapturedLabel() and before offsetForCapturedLabel(). Called from the main thread. Beware that this anchor can be overridden with LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay.setAnchorForCapturedLabel() method. This method will only be called for new tracked labels that do not have an anchor yet, e.g. an anchor set by a call to LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay.setAnchorForCapturedLabel().
- offsetForCapturedLabel(overlay, label)
offsetForCapturedLabel?(overlay: LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay, label: CapturedLabel): PointWithUnit
Added in version 6.17.0
Offset to be set to the view corresponding to the given CapturedLabel. The offset is relative to the anchor point of the tracked label. This method will be called after viewForCapturedLabel() and anchorForCapturedLabel(). Called from the main thread. Beware that this offset can be overridden with LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay.setOffsetForCapturedLabel() method. This method will only be called for new tracked labels that do not have an offset yet, e.g. an offset set by a call to LabelCaptureAdvancedOverlay.setOffsetForCapturedLabel().