Advanced Configurations
Customize the Overlay Appearance
To customize the appearance of the overlay, you can implement a LabelCaptureBasicOverlayListener.
The method brushForLabel() is called every time a label is captured, and brushForField() is called for each of its fields to determine the brush for the label or field.
- Kotlin
- Java
overlay.listener = object : LabelCaptureBasicOverlayListener {
* Customize the appearance of the overlay for the individual fields.
override fun brushForField(
overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
field: LabelField,
label: CapturedLabel
): Brush? = when ( {
"<your-barcode-field-name>" -> Brush(Color.CYAN.withAlpha(128), Color.CYAN, 1f)
"<your-expiry-date-field-name>" -> Brush(Color.GREEN.withAlpha(128), Color.GREEN, 1f)
else -> Brush(Color.TRANSPARENT, Color.TRANSPARENT, 0f)
* Customize the appearance of the overlay for the full label.
* In this example, we disable label overlays by returning null always.
override fun brushForLabel(
overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
label: CapturedLabel
): Brush? = null
override fun onLabelTapped(
overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
label: CapturedLabel
) {
* Handle the user tap gesture on the label.
overlay.setListener(new LabelCaptureBasicOverlayListener() {
public Brush brushForLabel(
@NonNull LabelCaptureBasicOverlay overlay, @NonNull CapturedLabel label) {
return null;
public Brush brushForField(@NonNull LabelCaptureBasicOverlay overlay,
@NonNull CapturedField field, @NonNull CapturedLabel label) {
if (field.getName().equals("<your-barcode-field-name>")) {
return new Brush(
if (field.getName().equals("<your-expiry-date-field-name>")) {
return new Brush(
return null;
You can also use LabelCaptureBasicOverlay.setLabelBrush()
and LabelCaptureBasicOverlay.setCapturedFieldBrush()
to configure the overlay if you don't need to customize the appearance based on the name or content of the fields.