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Advanced Configurations

Customize the Overlay Appearance

To customize the appearance of the overlay, you can implement a LabelCaptureBasicOverlayListener.

The method brushForLabel() is called every time a label is captured, and brushForField() is called for each of its fields to determine the brush for the label or field.

overlay.listener = object : LabelCaptureBasicOverlayListener {
* Customize the appearance of the overlay for the individual fields.
override fun brushForField(
overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
field: LabelField,
label: CapturedLabel
): Brush? = when ( {
"<your-barcode-field-name>" -> Brush(Color.CYAN.withAlpha(128), Color.CYAN, 1f)
"<your-expiry-date-field-name>" -> Brush(Color.GREEN.withAlpha(128), Color.GREEN, 1f)
else -> Brush(Color.TRANSPARENT, Color.TRANSPARENT, 0f)

* Customize the appearance of the overlay for the full label.
* In this example, we disable label overlays by returning null always.
override fun brushForLabel(
overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
label: CapturedLabel
): Brush? = null

override fun onLabelTapped(
overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
label: CapturedLabel
) {
* Handle the user tap gesture on the label.


You can also use LabelCaptureBasicOverlay.setLabelBrush() and LabelCaptureBasicOverlay.setCapturedFieldBrush() to configure the overlay if you don't need to customize the appearance based on the name or content of the fields.