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Advanced Configurations

MatrixScan Count is optimized by default for efficiency, accuracy, and a seamless user experience. However, there are multiple advanced settings available to further customize MatrixScan Count to best fit your needs.

Scanning Against a List

There is a function to set a list of expected barcodes if you are scanning against a manifest or item list. If this is used, a progress bar is added to the UI so you can keep track of the process while scanning.

When scanning against a list, the UI will also show red icons to mark scanned barcodes that aren’t present on the list. To set the list of expected barcodes, use the following code:

List<TargetBarcode> targetBarcodes = new ArrayList<>();
targetBarcodes.add(TargetBarcode.create("data", 1));
BarcodeCountCaptureList captureList = BarcodeCountCaptureList.create(this, targetBarcodes);

Barcode Count Status

This feature is used to provide users with more details regarding the items they’re scanning in order to aid effective handling. The icons appear as an AR overlay after tapping the “Status Mode” button and can be used to highlight the following:

Barcode Count Status

See the Expiry Management Sample

for an example of how to use this feature.


Clustering is a feature that enables grouping multiple barcodes together, either based upon their visual context or manually by the user.

By default, clustering is disabled. It is configured via setting ClusteringMode to one of the following available options:

  • DISABLED: No clustering is performed.
  • MANUAL: Manual clustering is supported. The user can select which barcodes to cluster using the on-screen UI.
  • AUTO: Clustering is automatically performed and cannot be manually tuned.
  • AUTO_WITH_MANUAL_CORRECTION: Clustering is performed automatically, but clusters can also be formed or dissolved manually using the UI.

Tote Mapping

Tote mapping is a feature that allows you to map barcodes to specific totes. This is useful for In-Store Order Fulfillment scenarios where you need to scan a barcode and have the system automatically assign the item to a specific tote.

MatrixScan Count additionally supports the concept of sub-totes. Sub-totes are useful when you have a large tote that contains multiple smaller totes. When you scan a barcode, the system will automatically assign the item to the correct sub-tote.

This functionality is enabled and configured via the following classes:

  • BarcodeSpatialGrid
  • BarcodeSpatialGridEditorView
  • BarcodeSpatialGridEditorViewSettings
  • BarcodeSpatialGridEditorViewListener

Strap Mode

It can be difficult to reach the shutter button if the smart device is attached to the user’s wrist by a strap or similar.

You can enable a floating shutter button that can be positioned by the end user in a more ergonomically suitable position:



If there several types of barcodes on your label you may want to scan only one of them. In this case, you can filter the others out by symbology, symbol count, or setting a regex.

For example, you might want to scan only Code 128 barcodes and no PDF417 barcodes. You can do this by setting the following:

BarcodeCountSettings settings = new BarcodeCountSettings();

Set<Symbology> excludedSymbologies = new HashSet<>();
BarcodeFilterSettings filterSettings = settings.getFilterSettings();

Or to exclude all the barcodes starting with 4 numbers:

BarcodeCountSettings settings = new BarcodeCountSettings();

BarcodeFilterSettings filterSettings = settings.getFilterSettings();

By default the filters applied to the relevant barcodes are transparent, but you can use BarcodeFilterHighlightSettings to change the color and level of transparency.

Different Filters in MatrixScan Count

Clear Screen Button

There are situations in which the user may find it helpful to clean up their screen (i.e. clear all the AR overlays) but keep the list of barcodes scanned.

For this you can enable the “Clear screen” button:


Customizing the AR Overlays

MatrixScan Count comes with recommended and user-tested AR overlays. However, if you wish to customize the overlay colors, once the overlay has been added, you can conform to the BarcodeCountViewListener interface.

The methods BarcodeCountViewListener.brushForRecognizedBarcode() and BarcodeCountViewListener.brushForUnrecognizedBarcode() are invoked every time a new recognized or unrecognized barcode appears. These can be used to set a brush that will be used to highlight that specific barcode in the overlay. Keep in mind that these methods are relevant only when using the style BarcodeCountViewStyle.DOT.

public Brush brushForRecognizedBarcode(
@NonNull BarcodeCountView view, @NonNull TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode) {
// Return a custom brush

public Brush brushForUnrecognizedBarcode(
@NonNull BarcodeCountView view, @NonNull TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode) {
// Return a custom brush


If you want to be notified when a user taps on an overlay, you need to implement the BarcodeCountViewListener.onRecognizedBarcodeTapped() and BarcodeCountViewListener.onUnrecognizedBarcodeTapped() methods.

public void onRecognizedBarcodeTapped(
@NonNull BarcodeCountView view, @NonNull TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode) {
// Do something with the tapped barcode

public void onUnrecognizedBarcodeTapped(
@NonNull BarcodeCountView view, @NonNull TrackedBarcode trackedBarcode) {
// Do something with the tapped barcode

Disable UI Elements

The UI is an integral part of MatrixScan Count and we do not recommend that you use it without it. However, if you wish to disable UI elements you can so as follows.

To disable buttons:


To disable feedback and hints:
