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Version: 6.28.2

Get Started

In this guide you will learn step-by-step how to add ID Capture to your application.


Using ID Capture at the same time as other modes (e.g. Barcode Capture or Text Capture) is not supported.

The general steps are:

  • Creating a new Data Capture Context instance
  • Accessing a Camera
  • Configuring the Capture Settings
  • Implementing a Listener to Receive Scan Results
  • Setting up the Capture View and Overlay
  • Starting the Capture Process


Before starting with adding a capture mode, make sure that you have a valid Scandit Data Capture SDK license key and that you added the necessary dependencies. If you have not done that yet, check out this guide.


You can retrieve your Scandit Data Capture SDK license key by signing in to your account Dashboard.

Create a Data Capture Context

The first step to add capture capabilities to your application is to create a new Data Capture Context. The context expects a valid Scandit Data Capture SDK license key during construction.

self.context = DataCaptureContext(licenseKey: "-- ENTER YOUR SCANDIT LICENSE KEY HERE --")

Access a Camera

Next, you need to create a new instance of the SDCCamera class to indicate the camera that will be used to stream previews and to capture images. The camera settings are also configured, in this case, we use the recommendedCameraSettings that come withe ID Capture SDK.

camera = Camera.default
context.setFrameSource(camera, completionHandler: nil)

// Use the recommended camera settings for the IdCapture mode.
let recommendedCameraSettings = IdCapture.recommendedCameraSettings

Configure the Capture Settings

Use SDCIdCaptureSettings to configure the types of documents you need to scan. Check SDCIdDocumentType for all the available options.


Using SDCIdDocumentTypeDLVIZ or SDCIdDocumentTypeIdCardVIZ together with any MRZ document while SDCSupportedSidesFrontAndBack is enabled is not supported.

idCaptureSettings.supportedDocuments = [.idCardViz, .aamvaBarcode, .dlViz]

Implement a Listener

To receive scan results implement SDCIdCaptureListener.

A result is delivered as an SDCCapturedId. This class contains data common for all kinds of personal identification documents. For more specific information use its non-nil result properties (for example SDCCapturedId.aamvaBarcodeResult).

extension IdCaptureViewController: IdCaptureListener {
func idCapture(_ idCapture: IdCapture, didCaptureIn session: IdCaptureSession, frameData: FrameData) {
let capturedId = session.newlyCapturedId

// The recognized fields of the captured Id can vary based on the type.
if capturedId.mrzResult != nil {
// Handle the information extracted.
} else if capturedId.vizResult != nil {
// Handle the information extracted.
} else if capturedId.aamvaBarcodeResult != nil {
// Handle the information extracted.
} else if capturedId.usUniformedServicesBarcodeResult != nil {
// Handle the information extracted.

func idCapture(_ idCapture: IdCapture,
didFailWithError error: Error,
session: IdCaptureSession,
frameData: FrameData) {
// Handle the error.

Create a new ID Capture mode with the chosen settings. Then register the listener:

idCapture = IdCapture(context: context, settings: idCaptureSettings)

Set up Capture View and Overlay

When using the built-in camera as frame source, you will typically want to display the camera preview on the screen together with UI elements that guide the user through the capturing process.

To do that, add a SDCDataCaptureView to your view hierarchy:

let captureView = DataCaptureView(for: context, frame: view.bounds)
captureView.dataCaptureContext = context
captureView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

Then, add a SDCIdCaptureOverlay to the view:

let overlay = IdCaptureOverlay(idCapture: idCapture, view: captureView)

The overlay chooses the displayed UI automatically, based on the selected SDCIdCaptureSettings.

Start the Capture Process

Finally, turn on the camera to start scanning:

camera?.switch(toDesiredState: .on)