Captured ID

Defined in framework ScanditIdCapture

@interface SDCCapturedId : NSObject

Added in version 6.6.0

This class represents the result of a document scan. It provides commonly present information, such as the holder’s name and date of birth, directly accessible at the top level. Additional document-specific details can be accessed through properties representing different zones of the document, such as the barcode, machine-readable zone (MRZ), and visual inspection zone (VIZ).

Note that not all properties are relevant to every document type. If a property is not applicable or the corresponding data could not be read, it will be set to nil.

+ capturedIdFromJSONString:
+ (instancetype)capturedIdFromJSONString:(NSString *)JSONString

Added in version 6.12.0

Creates a captured id from the passed JSON string.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *firstName

Added in version 6.6.0

The first name of the document holder. Separated by spaces if more than one name is present. Characters can be all uppercase for document types which don’t capitalize names (for example names encoded in ICAO Machine Readable Zones).

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *lastName

Added in version 6.6.0

The last name of the document holder. Separated by spaces if more than one name is present. Characters can be all uppercase for document types which don’t capitalize names (for example names encoded in ICAO Machine Readable Zones).

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *secondaryLastName

Added in version 6.24.0

Optional secondary last name for document holders of French passports. This field holds the common name, known as “nom d’usage” when it is specified on the passport.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSString *fullName

Added in version 6.6.0

The full name of the document holder. Characters can be all uppercase for document types which don’t capitalize names (for example names encoded in ICAO Machine Readable Zones).

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SDCSex sexType

Added in version 7.1.0

The sex of the document holder.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *sex

Added in version 6.6.0

The description of the document holder’s sex.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCDateResult *dateOfBirth

Added in version 6.6.0

The date of birth of the document holder. If the document doesn’t provide two first digits of the year then the date of birth is always set to be earlier than or equal to the scan date. For example if the year of scanning is 2021 and the document returns that the year of birth is 14 then the returned year is set to 2014. However if the document returns that the year of birth is 24 then the returned year is set to 1924.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSNumber *age

Added in version 6.16.0

The age of the document holder. Calculated as the difference in full years between the birth date and the current local date. If nil is returned it means that the full birth date is not available. The returned value depends on the device date. The same document may result in different values for devices with different dates (e.g. in different time zones, or with a date set manually by the user).

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *nationality

Added in version 6.6.0

The nationality of the document holder represented by a three-letter code (Alpha-3 codes specified in ISO 3166-1).

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *address

Added in version 6.6.0

The address of the document holder.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SDCUsRealIdStatus usRealIdStatus

Added in version 6.28.0

Indicates whether the document is REAL ID compliant.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCIdCaptureDocument *document

Added in version 7.0.0

The document type.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *issuingCountryISO

Added in version 6.6.0

The ISO (Alpha-3 code) abbreviation of the issuing country of the document.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SDCIdCaptureRegion issuingCountry

Added in version 7.0.0

Issuing country of the document.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *documentNumber

Added in version 6.6.0

The document number.

If SDCIdCaptureSettings.anonymizationMode is enabled for the field results, the returned value might be nil for certain documents.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *documentAdditionalNumber

Added in version 6.19.0

If SDCIdCaptureSettings.anonymizationMode is enabled for the field results, the returned value might be nil for certain documents.

If SDCIdCaptureSettings.anonymizationMode is enabled for the field results, the returned value might be nil for certain documents.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCDateResult *dateOfExpiry

Added in version 6.6.0

The date of expiry of the document.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSNumber *isExpired

Added in version 6.16.0

Whether this document is expired. Calculated by comparing the document’s expiration date with the current local date. When converted to boolean returns YES if the document is expired and NO if it’s not expired, or if it never expires. nil is returned if the value of this property could not be determined - for example if the date of expiry is not present, or if the date of expiry couldn’t be captured. Please note that the system time is used for computation of this field so users of the device are capable of changing the result of the field by changing the system time.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCDateResult *dateOfIssue

Added in version 6.6.0

The date of issue of the document. Please note that some documents may specify the exact date of issue, while other the month and the year only.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCBarcodeResult *barcode

Added in version 7.0.0

The additional information extracted from a barcode on a document.

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCMrzResult *mrzResult

Added in version 6.6.0

The additional information extracted from the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of a Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD).

@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) SDCVizResult *vizResult

Added in version 6.6.0

The additional information extracted from a documents or its part intended to be read by humans (for example Visual Inspection Zone (VIZ) of a Machine-Readable Travel Document (MRTD)).

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SDCIdImages *images

Added in version 7.0.0

The images extracted from a document.

- isIdCard
- (BOOL)isIdCard

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCIdCard.

- isDriverLicense
- (BOOL)isDriverLicense

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCDriverLicense.

- isPassport
- (BOOL)isPassport

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCPassport.

- isVisaIcao
- (BOOL)isVisaIcao

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCVisaIcao.

- isResidencePermit
- (BOOL)isResidencePermit

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCResidencePermit.

- isHealthInsuranceCard
- (BOOL)isHealthInsuranceCard

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCHealthInsuranceCard.

- isRegionSpecific:
- (BOOL)isRegionSpecific:(SDCRegionSpecificSubtype)subtype

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the document is of type SDCRegionSpecificSubtype.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SDCVerificationResult *verificationResult

Added in version 7.1.0

Results of verifications automatically performed when SDCIdCaptureSettings.rejectInconsistentData or SDCIdCaptureSettings.rejectForgedAamvaBarcodes are enabled.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSString *JSONString

Added in version 6.6.0

Returns the JSON representation of the captured id.