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Version: 6.28.3


This page describes how to integrate the Scandit Data Capture SDK into your Android project.

The Scandit Data Capture SDK is distributed as AAR libraries in the official Scandit maven repository.


You need to add a reference to com.scandit.datacapture:core, which contains the shared functionality used by the other data capture modules.

Depending on the data capture task, you need a reference to:

FunctionalityDescriptionRequired Module(s)
Barcode CaptureScanditBarcodeCapture API if you want to use barcode-related functionality, such as barcode capture or
ParserScanditParser API if you want to parse data strings, for instance, as found in barcodes, into a set of key-value
ID CaptureScanditIdCapture API if you want to scan personal identification documents, such as identity cards, passports or

You can safely remove barcode, parser, or id dependencies if you are not going to use their features.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Latest version of the Android SDK (for example through the latest Android Studio)
  • Android project with target SDK version 23 (Android 6, Marshmallow) or higher
  • Valid Scandit Data Capture SDK license key

Devices running the Scandit Data Capture SDK need a GPU. Otherwise, you can see a significant decrease in performance.


You can add mavenCentral() repository in build.gradle file:

repositories {

You can add the necessary artifacts as dependencies to the app’s build.gradle:

dependencies {
implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:core:[version]"
implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:barcode:[version]"
implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:parser:[version]"
implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:text-base:[version]"
implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:text:[version]"
implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:id:[version]"

You can find the latest version on Sonatype.


You can add the mavenCentral repository in pom.xml file:

<name>Maven Central</name>

You can add the necessary artifacts as dependencies:







Manually Add Library to Project

You need to add a reference to ScanditCaptureCore.aar, which contains the shared functionality used by the other data capture modules. In addition, depending on the data capture task, you need a reference to:

  • ScanditBarcodeCapture API if you want to use barcode-related functionality, such as barcode capture or MatrixScan
  • ScanditParser API if you want to parse data strings, for instance, as found in barcodes, into a set of key-value mappings
  • ScanditIdCapture API if you want to scan personal identification documents, such as identity cards, passports or visas

If your project already has a local flatDir repository, add the AAR files to that folder. If you do not have a flatDir repository yet, create a new one in your build.gradle file as illustrated below:

repositories {
flatDir {
dirs '/path/to/folder/containing/the/aar/file'

Add the .aar libraries as dependencies to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
api(name:'ScanditBarcodeCapture', ext:'aar')

External Dependencies

The Scandit Data Capture SDK modules depend on the following few standard libraries. If you include the Scandit Data Capture SDK through Gradle or Maven, all of these dependencies are automatically pulled in and there is no further action items for you. On the other hand, if you directly ad the AAR files to the project, you need to add these dependencies yourself.

ScanditCaptureCore.aarorg.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:[version]; androidx.annotation:annotation:[version]; com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.2
ScanditBarcodeCapture.aarorg.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:[version]; androidx.annotation:annotation:[version]
ScanditParser.aarNo dependencies
ScanditIdCapture.aarorg.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:[version]; androidx.annotation:annotation:[version]

Additional Information


If you’re using androidx.fragments dependency and have the situation where a scanning fragment navigates to another scanning fragment with an incompatible mode, make sure you’re using version 1.3.0+ of the dependency. If not, you may run into an incompatible modes error, as the new fragment gets resumed before the previous is paused and for some time incompatible modes may be enabled in the DataCaptureContext at the same time. This results in sessions being empty of any result.


On Android, the Scandit SDK uses content providers to initialize the scanning capabilities properly. If your own content providers depend on the Scandit SDK, choose an initOrder lower than 10 to make sure the SDK is ready first.

If not specified, initOrder is zero by default and you have nothing to worry about.

Check the official provider documentation.