Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.14 Release Notes (August 29, 2022)

See also the System Requirements of the Scandit Data Capture SDK across all platforms.

Behavioral Changes


Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the dimming that was sometimes not removed when switching from TapToSelect to AimToSelect.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented view-based overlays from being removed from the DataCaptureView when removing the overlay.

  • Fixed a bug that caused number of selection codes in aimer selection limited with MatrixScan light license.


  • Fixed an issue which caused field MRZResult.capturedMrz to return data inconsistent with the individual MRZ data fields.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some Colombian ID to be captured.



Scandit Data Capture SDK 6.14.1 Bug Fixes (September 27, 2022)

  • Fixed a crash when scanning MRZ documents that do not contain month and day of birth.

  • Fixed a memory leak during repeated data capture.