SparkScan View
Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Barcode.Spark.Ui
- SparkScanScanningBehavior
Added in version 6.24.0
The capture mode type of the SparkScanView.
- Single
Added in version 6.24.0
Barcode capturing session is stopped after each scan.
- Continuous
Added in version 6.24.0
Keeps the barcode capturing session active for longer time.
- SparkScanPreviewBehavior
Added in version 6.24.0
The preview behavior type of the SparkScanView.
- Default
Added in version 6.24.0
After a scan with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Single, or stopping scanning with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Continuous, camera moves to standby state and preview is hidden for maximum efficiency.
- Persistent
Added in version 6.24.0
After a scan with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Single, or stopping scanning with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.Continuous, camera stays active and preview is visible for maximum precision.
- SparkScanViewHandMode
Added in version 6.24.0
The hand mode type of the SparkScanView.
- Right
Added in version 6.24.0
Optimizes the layout for right-hand use of the SparkScanView.
- Left
Added in version 6.24.0
Optimizes the layout for left-hand use of the SparkScanView.
- SparkScanScanningMode
abstract class SparkScanScanningMode
Added in version 6.24.0
The base class for setting a default scanning mode to SparkScanViewSettings. Can be either SparkScanScanningModeTarget or SparkScanScanningModeDefault.
- constructor(scanningBehavior, previewBehavior)
constructor(scanningBehavior: SparkScanScanningBehavior, previewBehavior: SparkScanPreviewBehavior)
Added in version 6.24.0
Constructs a new target scanning mode with the provided scanning behavior and preview behavior.
- scanningBehavior
readonly scanningBehavior: SparkScanScanningBehavior
Added in version 6.24.0
The scanning behavior provided in the constructor.
- previewBehavior
readonly previewBehavior: SparkScanPreviewBehavior
Added in version 6.24.0
The preview behavior provided in the constructor.
- SparkScanScanningModeDefault
class SparkScanScanningModeDefault : SparkScanScanningMode
Added in version 6.24.0
- SparkScanScanningModeTarget
class SparkScanScanningModeTarget : SparkScanScanningMode
Added in version 6.24.0
- SparkScanView
class SparkScanView : ScanditHTMLElement
Added in version 6.24.0
SparkScan comes with a ready-to-use UI and scanning modes that are purpose-built to tackle high-volume scanning at close range. The SparkScanView integrates with any app without requiring app redesign or customization. It includes:
camera preview screen
large-sized scan button
quick access toolbar to adjust scanning settings
- feedbackDelegate
feedbackDelegate: SparkScanFeedbackDelegate
Added in version 6.25.0
Sets the feedback delegate. If no delegate is set, the default SparkScanBarcodeFeedback.Success feedback is emitted.
- forElement(element, context, sparkScan, sparkScanViewSettings)
static forElement(element: Element, context: DataCaptureContext, sparkScan: SparkScan, sparkScanViewSettings?: SparkScanViewSettings): SparkScanView
Added in version 6.24.0
Constructs a new SparkScan view and adds it to the provided parentView. When the settings are provided, those will be used to set the default behaviour and look of the view.
- prepareScanning()
prepareScanning(): Promise<
>Added in version 6.24.0
Method to call for preparing the mode for scanning. For instance, it can be called when the node containing SparkScanView is attached to the DOM.
- stopScanning()
stopScanning(): Promise<
>Added in version 6.24.0
Method to call for stopping the mode. For instance, it can be called when the SparkScanView is about to be detached from the DOM.
- startScanning()
startScanning(): Promise<
>Added in version 6.24.0
Starts the scanning process. You can call this method if you want to trigger the scanning process without any user interaction.
- pauseScanning()
pauseScanning(): Promise<
>Added in version 6.24.0
Pauses the scanning process. You can call this method if you want to trigger pausing the scanning process without any user interaction.
- showToast(message)
showToast(message: string):
Added in version 6.24.0
Shows a toast with text inside the mini preview.
- targetModeButtonVisible
targetModeButtonVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the target mode button should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- scanningBehaviorButtonVisible
scanningBehaviorButtonVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the scanning behavior button should be shown to the user.
Default is false.
- torchButtonVisible
torchButtonVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the torch button should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- soundModeButtonVisible
soundModeButtonVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the enable sound button should be shown to the user.
Default is false.
Deprecated since version 6.26: This property is deprecated as sound mode button will be removed in the future.
- hapticModeButtonVisible
hapticModeButtonVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the enable haptic button should be shown to the user.
Default is false.
Deprecated since version 6.26: This property is deprecated as haptic mode button will be removed in the future.
- handModeButtonVisible
handModeButtonVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the hand mode button should be shown to the user.
Default is false.
- zoomSwitchControlVisible
zoomSwitchControlVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the zoom switch control should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- previewSizeControlVisible
previewSizeControlVisible: boolean
Added in version 6.24.0
Indicates whether the mini preview size control should be shown to the user.
Default is true.
- stopCapturingText
stopCapturingText?: string
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the default text to display in the button for the stop capturing action.
Default is null.
- startCapturingText
startCapturingText?: string
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the default text to display in the button for the start capturing action.
Default is null.
- resumeCapturingText
resumeCapturingText?: string
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the default text to display in the button for the resume capturing action.
Default is null.
- scanningCapturingText
scanningCapturingText?: string
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the default text to display in the button when scanning in SparkScanScanningBehavior.Single.
Default is null.
- captureButtonBackgroundColor
captureButtonBackgroundColor?: Color
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the background color of the capture button.
Default is null.
- captureButtonActiveBackgroundColor
captureButtonActiveBackgroundColor?: Color
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the background color of the capture button when scanning.
Default is null.
- captureButtonTintColor
captureButtonTintColor?: Color
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the capture button icon and text color.
Default is null.
- toolbarBackgroundColor
toolbarBackgroundColor?: Color
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the toolbar background color.
Default is null.
- toolbarIconActiveTintColor
toolbarIconActiveTintColor?: Color
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the toolbar icon active color.
Default is null.
- toolbarIconInactiveTintColor
toolbarIconInactiveTintColor?: Color
Added in version 6.24.0
Sets the toolbar icon inactive color.
Default is null.
- didChangeScanningMode(scanningMode)
didChangeScanningMode?: (scanningMode: SparkScanScanningMode) =>
Added in version 6.24.0
Callback method that will be called when the currently used SparkScanScanningMode changes.