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Advanced Configurations

Customize the Overlay Appearance

To customize the appearance of the overlay, you can implement a LabelCaptureBasicOverlayDelegate.

The method brushForLabel is called every time a label is captured, and brushForField is called for each of its fields to determine the brush for the label or field.

import ScanditLabelCapture

extension YourScanViewController: LabelCaptureBasicOverlayDelegate {
func labelCaptureBasicOverlay(_ overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
brushFor field: LabelField,
of label: CapturedLabel) -> Brush? {
return brush(for: field)

func labelCaptureBasicOverlay(_ overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
brushFor label: CapturedLabel) -> Brush? {
* Customize the appearance of the overlay for the full label.
* In this example, we always disable label overlays by returning nil.
return nil

func labelCaptureBasicOverlay(_ overlay: LabelCaptureBasicOverlay,
didTap label: CapturedLabel) {
* Handle user tap gestures on the label.

private func brush(for field: LabelField) -> Brush {
let fillColor: UIColor
let strokeColor: UIColor
switch Field(rawValue: {
case "<your-barcode-field-name>":
fillColor = .systemCyan.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
strokeColor = .systemCyan
case "<your-expiry-date-field-name>":
fillColor = .systemOrange.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
strokeColor = .systemOrange
case .none:
fillColor = .clear
strokeColor = .clear
return Brush(fill: fillColor, stroke: strokeColor, strokeWidth: 1)