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Released: September 10, 2024

New Features


  • On Barcode Capture, we optimized the frame processing time in 4k-UHD resolution with dynamic resolution selection, resulting in up to 35% reduction on high-end devices and consistent performance improvements across all supported devices. platforms.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed result data encoding classification for raw byte data in 2d barcodes, in particular for Shift-JIS encoding.
  • Resolved cases in which Smart Scan Intention was possibly reporting the wrong barcode when when the camera was quickly changing direction with a single barcode in the scene.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to scan non-fluorescent French-Post barcodes without the extension fluorescent_orange_ink.


Released September 6, 2024

No updates for this framework in this version.


Released: September 5, 2024

Bug Fixes


  • Resolved cases in which Smart Scan Intention was possibly reporting the wrong barcode when the camera was quickly changing direction with a single barcode in the scene.


Released: August 15, 2024

Performance Improvements


  • Improved ArUco scanning when color inverted codes are enabled.
  • Improved tracking robustness on Barcode Count.
  • Significantly lowered the rate of false positives (i.e., presumed unscanned barcodes) when using Barcode Count.
  • Improved recognition rate for Composite Codes, with a particular focus on codes with small 2d components (e.g. PDF417).
  • Improved recognition rate of linear codes which are partially affected by damage or covered in plastic wrap, with a particular focus on Codabar barcodes.
  • Improved localization of postal codes, up to 25% faster.


Released: September 2, 2024

No updates for this framework in this release.


Released: August 2, 2024

No updates for this framework in this release.


Released: August 1, 2024

New Features


  • Increased min Titanium SDK version to 12.2.1.GA.


Released: July 5, 2024

New Features


  • Increased min Titanium SDK version to 12.2.1.GA.

Performance Improvements


  • Improved recognition rate for Composite A and Composite B barcodes, thanks to an increased robustness for small and low resolution MicroPDF417.
  • Improved recognition rate of long, thin linear 1d codes, such as those found on electronic shelf labels (ESLs).
  • Improved recognition rate of linear codes which are partially affected by damage or glare, with a particular focus on codabar barcodes.


Released: May 8, 2024

New Features


  • Added support for per state thresholds in id verification and removed the hardcoded number of features. This is a breaking change, old verification models will not work.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the “Tap to Focus” animation when the view size changes.