Laserline Viewfinder

Defined under the namespace Scandit.Datacapture.Core.Ui


Added in version 6.8.0

The style of the LaserlineViewfinder.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This enum is deprecated and will be removed in the future.


Added in version 6.8.0

The legacy style from versions before 6.8.


Added in version 6.8.0

New style from version 6.8 onwards with an animation.

class LaserlineViewfinder : Viewfinder

Added in version 6.5.0

A horizontal laser line with a Scandit logo underneath. Toggles color depending on the capture mode enabled property. The laserline is centered on the data capture view’s point of interest.

To use this viewfinder, create a new instance and assign it to the overlay, e.g. the barcode capture overlay via the BarcodeCaptureOverlay.viewfinder property.

Deprecated since version 6.26: This Viewfinder is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

constructor(style: LaserlineViewfinderStyle)

Added in version 6.8.0

Returns a new laserline viewfinder in the style provided.


Added in version 6.5.0

Constructs a new laserline viewfinder with LaserlineViewfinderStyle.Legacy.

width: NumberWithUnit

Added in version 6.5.0

The width of the laser line. The laser line is centered on the point of interest of the view. When specifying the width with relative units, the width is measured relative to the view’s width minus the horizontal scan area margins.

enabledColor: Color

Added in version 6.5.0

The color to be used when recognition is enabled/active.

disabledColor: Color

Added in version 6.5.0

The color to be used when recognition is disabled/inactive.

get style(): LaserlineViewfinderStyle

Added in version 6.8.0

The style of the viewfinder.