Barcode Capture Settings

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Capture

class BarcodeCaptureSettings

Added in version 6.16.0

Holds all the barcode recognition related settings, such as enabled symbologies and location selection. For the settings to take effect, they must be applied to a barcode capture instance using BarcodeCapture.ApplySettingsAsync().

By default, all types of barcodes (symbologies) are disabled. To scan barcodes, you need to manually enable all the symbologies you want to scan in your application.

The following lines of code show how to enable Symbology.Code128 and apply the settings to barcode capture.

BarcodeCaptureSettings settings = BarcodeCaptureSettings.Create();
settings.EnableSymbology(Symbology.Code128, true);
static BarcodeCaptureSettings Create()

Added in version 6.16.0

Creates new default settings instance. Recognition is setup for recognizing codes in the full image. Symbologies are all disabled. Before passing the settings to the BarcodeCapture instance, make sure to enable the symbologies required by your application.

SymbologySettings GetSymbologySettings(Symbology symbology)

Added in version 6.16.0

Get SymbologySettings specific for the given Symbology.

Note that modifying the returned object doesn’t automatically apply the changes to BarcodeCapture. After you made changes to the symbology settings, call BarcodeCapture.ApplySettingsAsync() with these BarcodeCaptureSettings to apply them.

void SetProperty(string name, object value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Sets a property to the provided value. Use this method to set properties that are not yet part of a stable API. Properties set through this method may or may not be used or change in a future release.

object GetProperty(string name)

Added in version 6.16.0

Retrieves the value of a previously set property. In case the property does not exist, -1 is returned.

T GetProperty<T>(string name)

Added in version 6.16.0

Retrieves the value of a previously set property. In case the property does not exist, an ArgumentException is thrown.

bool TryGetProperty<T>(string name, out T result)

Added in version 6.16.0

The non-throwing version of the method GetProperty(). It retrieves the value of a previously set property as the second passed argument and returns true. In case the property does not exist, false will be returned.

TimeSpan CodeDuplicateFilter { get;set; }

Added in version 6.16.0

Determines the time interval in which codes with the same symbology/data are filtered out as duplicates. Use this property to change the interval or completely turn off duplicate filtering:

  • Setting this property to the special value -2 (default from SDK version 7.1.0) will result in a behavior that depends on ScanIntention.

    • If ScanIntention.Smart (default from 7.0), it enables the Smart Duplicate Filter algorithm that intelligently reports a duplicate when the user intends to scan it again, reducing errors and speeding up the workflow.

    • If ScanIntention.Manual, it acts as when setting CodeDuplicateFilter to 1.5s (check the following).

  • Setting this property to the special value -1, means that the same code will not be reported again until the scanning has been stopped.

  • Setting this property to a value of 0 means that the same code will be reported every time it is found.

  • Setting this property to a value larger than zero indicates the time that must pass between the same code to be reported again.

The filtering is reset any time the capture mode is disabled (IDataCaptureMode.Enabled is set to false) as this is when the session is cleaned and restarts from zero.

ICollection<Symbology> EnabledSymbologies { get; }

Added in version 6.16.0

Returns the set of enabled symbologies.

void EnableSymbology(Symbology symbology, bool enabled)

Added in version 6.16.0

Provides a convenient shortcut to enable/disable decoding of a particular symbology without having to go through SymbologySettings.

Some 1d barcode symbologies allow you to encode variable-length data. By default, the Scandit Data Capture SDK only scans barcodes in a certain length range.

If your application requires scanning of one of these symbologies, and the length is falling outside the default range, you may need to adjust the active symbol counts for the symbology in addition to enabling it.

void EnableSymbologies(ICollection<Symbology> symbologies)

Added in version 6.16.0

Provides a convenient shortcut to enable decoding of particular symbologies without having to go through SymbologySettings. By default, all symbologies are turned off and symbologies need to be explicitly enabled.

void EnableSymbologies(CompositeType compositeTypes)

Added in version 6.16.0

Enables all symbologies needed for the given composite types. To enable composite codes scanning it is also needed to enable the composite types through EnabledCompositeTypes. By default, all symbologies are turned off and symbologies need to be explicitly enabled.

CompositeType EnabledCompositeTypes { get;set; }

Added in version 6.16.0

The enabled composite types. To enable composite codes scanning it is also needed to enable the symbologies that make up the specific type of composite code through EnableSymbologies().

ILocationSelection LocationSelection { get;set; }

Added in version 6.16.0

Defines the strategy with which to select one out of many visible barcodes. By default, this property is null and code selection is disabled.

BatterySavingMode BatterySaving { get;set; }

Added in version 6.26.0

The battery saving mode to use with BarcodeCapture. Defaults to BatterySavingMode.Auto, to automatically enable the battery saving mode when a higher than usual consumption of the battery is detected, balancing performance and battery lifetime. Set to BatterySavingMode.Off to revert to the standard performance.

ScanIntention ScanIntention { get;set; }

Added in version 6.24.0

The scan intention algorithm to use with BarcodeCapture. Defaults to ScanIntention.Smart, enabling the automatic algorithm that intelligently identifies and then scans the barcode that the user intends to capture, reducing errors. Set to ScanIntention.Manual to disable.