Barcode Pick View Highlight Style Response

Defined in namespace Scandit.DataCapture.Barcode.Pick.UI


Barcode Pick is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

class BarcodePickViewHighlightStyleResponse

Added in version 6.26.0

Create this object to respond to highlight style queries.

BarcodePickViewHighlightStyleResponse(Brush brush, UIImage icon, BarcodePickStatusIconStyle statusIconStyle)

Added in version 6.26.0

Constructs a new instance with the passed brush and icon.

abstract class BarcodePickStatusIconStyle

Added in version 6.26.0

This holds the style data for the status icons.

static BarcodePickStatusIconStyle WithIcon(UIImage icon, string text)

Added in version 6.26.0

Constructs a new instance that will display the provided icon and text.

static BarcodePickStatusIconStyle WithColors(UIColor iconColor, UIColor iconBackgroundColor, string text)

Added in version 6.26.0

Constructs a new instance that will display the default icon, an exclamation mark. The icon will be customized with the provided colors.