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Advanced Configurations

There are several advanced configurations that can be used to customize the behavior of the ID Capture SDK and enable additional features.

Document Capture Zones

By default, a new instance of IdCaptureSettings creates a single-sided scanner type with no accepted or rejected documents.

To change this, use the scannerType method to set the scanner type to either SingleSideScanner or FullDocumentScanner.

The FullDocumentScanner extracts all document information by default. If using the SingleSideScanner, you can specify the document zones to extract:

// To extract data from barcodes on IDs
// To extract data from the visual inspection zone (VIZ) on IDs
// To extract data from the machine-readable zone (MRZ) on IDs

Configure Accepted and Rejected Documents

To configure the documents that should be accepted and/or rejected, use the acceptedDocuments and rejectedDocuments methods in IdCaptureSettings.

These methods are used in conjunction with the IdCaptureDocumentType and IdCaptureRegion enums to enable highly flexible document filtering as may be desired in your application.

For example, to accept only US Driver Licenses:

settings.AcceptedDocuments = IdDocumentType.DriverLicense | IdDocumentType.Region.US;

Or to accept all Passports except those from the US:

settings.AcceptedDocuments = IdDocumentType.Passport;
settings.RejectedDocuments = IdDocumentType.Region.US;

ID Images

Your use can may require that you capture and extract images of the ID document. Use the IdImageType enum to specify the images you want to extract from the CapturedId object

For the full frame of the document, you can use setShouldPassImageTypeToResult when creating the IdCaptureSettings object. This will pass the image type to the result, which you can then access in the CapturedId object.

Callbacks and Scanning Workflows

The ID Capture Listener provides two callbacks: onIdCaptured and onIdRejected. The onIdCaptured callback is called when an acceptable document is successfully captured, while the onIdRejected callback is called when a document is captured but rejected.

For a successful capture, the onIdCaptured callback provides a CapturedId object that contains the extracted information from the document. This object is specific to the type of document scanned. For example, a CapturedId object for a US Driver License will contain different fields than a CapturedId object for a Passport.

For a rejected document, a RejectionReason is provided in the onIdRejected callback to help you understand why the document was rejected and to take appropriate action. These are:

  • NOT_ACCEPTED_DOCUMENT_TYPE: The document is not in the list of accepted documents. In this scenario, you could direct the user to scan a different document.
  • INVALID_FORMAT: The document is in the list of accepted documents, but the format is invalid. In this scenario, you could direct the user to scan the document again.
  • DOCUMENT_VOIDED: The document is in the list of accepted documents, but the document is voided. In this scenario, you could direct the user to scan a different document.
  • TIMEOUT: The document was not scanned within the specified time. In this scenario, you could direct the user to scan the document again.

Detect Fake IDs

ID Validate is a fake ID detection software. It currently supports documents that follow the Driver License/Identification Card specification by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA).

The following verifier is available:

  • AAMVABarcodeVerifier: Validates the authenticity of the document by scanning the barcode on the back.

To enable ID validation for your subscription, please reach out to Scandit Support.