SparkScan View

Defined in library scandit_datacapture_barcode_spark_ui


Added in version 6.20.0

The capture mode type of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.20.0

Barcode capturing session is stopped after each scan.


Added in version 6.20.0

Keeps the barcode capturing session active for longer time.


Added in version 6.23.0

The preview behavior type of the SparkScanView.


Added in version 6.23.0

After a scan with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.single, or stopping scanning with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.continuous, camera moves to standby state and preview is hidden for maximum efficiency.


Added in version 6.23.0

After a scan with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.single, or stopping scanning with scanning behavior SparkScanScanningBehavior.continuous, camera stays active and preview is visible for maximum precision.


Added in version 7.0.0

The size of the mini preview in SparkScanView. Used in SparkScanViewSettings.defaultMiniPreviewSize.


Added in version 7.0.0

Regular, smaller size of the mini preview.


Added in version 7.0.0

Expanded, larger size of the mini preview.


Added in version 7.0.0

The view state of SparkScanView.


Added in version 7.0.0

The initial view state for a few moments after SparkScanView is created.


Added in version 7.0.0

SparkScan is displaying only the collapsed capture button.


Added in version 7.0.0

SparkScan is displaying an expanded capture button, and if the SparkScanPreviewBehavior of the current SparkScanScanningMode is SparkScanPreviewBehavior.persistent, we are also displaying camera feed through the mini preview but no actual scanning is taking place. This state is reachable after scanning or after a SparkScanViewSettings.inactiveStateTimeout timeout.


Added in version 7.0.0

We are actively recognising barcodes, mini preview and expanded capture button are visible.


Added in version 7.0.0

User returns SparkScanBarcodeFeedback.Error from the SparkScanView.feedbackDelegate. Mini preview is visible with a frozen frame and expanded capture button is visible. If capture button is tapped or after a SparkScanBarcodeErrorFeedback.resumeCapturingDelay timeout is reached we move to active state.

abstract class SparkScanViewUiListener

Added in version 6.20.0

void didTapBarcodeFindButton(SparkScanView view)

Added in version 7.0.0

Callback method that can be used to define an action that should be performed when barcode find button is tapped from the toolbar. Called from the main thread.

void didTapBarcodeCountButton(SparkScanView view)

Added in version 6.20.0

Callback method that can be used to define an action that should be performed when barcode count button is tapped from the toolbar. Called from the main thread.

void didChangeViewState(SparkScanViewState newState)

Added in version 7.0.0

Callback method that will be called when SparkScanViewState changes. Called from the main thread.

abstract class SparkScanScanningMode

Added in version 6.20.0

The base class for setting a default scanning mode to SparkScanViewSettings. Can be either SparkScanScanningModeTarget or SparkScanScanningModeDefault.

class SparkScanScanningModeTarget : SparkScanScanningMode

Added in version 6.20.0

Target scanning mode. This is meant and optimized to scan codes further away.

SparkScanScanningModeTarget.fromPreviewBehavior(scanningBehavior, previewBehavior)
        SparkScanScanningBehavior scanningBehavior,
        SparkScanPreviewBehavior previewBehavior)

Added in version 6.23.0

Constructs a new target scanning mode with the provided capture mode and preview behavior.

SparkScanScanningBehavior get scanningBehavior

Added in version 6.20.0

The scanning mode provided in the constructor.

SparkScanPreviewBehavior get previewBehavior

Added in version 6.23.0

The preview behavior provided in the constructor.

class SparkScanScanningModeDefault : SparkScanScanningMode

Added in version 6.20.0

This is the standard scanning mode for SparkScan.

SparkScanScanningModeDefault.fromPreviewBehavior(scanningBehavior, previewBehavior)
        SparkScanScanningBehavior scanningBehavior,
        SparkScanPreviewBehavior previewBehavior)

Added in version 6.23.0

Constructs a new default scanning mode with the provided capture mode and preview behavior.

SparkScanScanningBehavior get scanningBehavior

Added in version 6.20.0

The scanning mode provided in the constructor.

SparkScanPreviewBehavior get previewBehavior

Added in version 6.23.0

The preview behavior provided in the constructor.

class SparkScanView : StatefulWidget

Added in version 6.20.0

SparkScan comes with a ready-to-use UI and scanning modes that are purpose-built to tackle high-volume scanning at close range. The SparkScanView integrates with any app without requiring app redesign or customization. It includes:

  • camera preview screen

  • large-sized scan button

  • quick access toolbar to adjust scanning settings

Future<void> onPause()

Added in version 6.20.0

Deprecated since version 7.0.0: Deprecated. There is no longer a need to manually call the onPause function. This function will be removed in future SDK versions.

SparkScanFeedbackDelegate? feedbackDelegate

Added in version 6.23.0

Sets the feedback delegate. If no delegate is set, the default SparkScanBarcodeFeedback.Success feedback is emitted.

static bool get hardwareTriggerSupported

Added in version 6.20.0

Returns whether the device supports listening for hardware button events. This is true for devices with api >= 28.


This method is only supported on Android devices.

SparkScanView.forContext(child, dataCaptureContext, sparkScan, settings)
SparkScanView.forContext(Widget child,
        DataCaptureContext dataCaptureContext,
        SparkScan sparkScan,
        SparkScanViewSettings? settings)

Added in version 6.20.0

Constructs a new SparkScan view and adds it to the provided parentView. When the settings are provided, those will be used to set the default behaviour and look of the view.

SparkScanView.forContext(YOUR_WIDGET_TREE_BODY, dataCaptureContext, sparkScan, viewSettings);
Future<void> startScanning()

Added in version 6.20.0

Starts the scanning process. You can call this method if you want to trigger the scanning process without any user interaction.

Future<void> pauseScanning()

Added in version 6.20.0

Pauses the scanning process. You can call this method if you want to trigger pausing the scanning process without any user interaction.

void setListener(SparkScanViewUiListener? listener)

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the listener which is called whenever a barcode find button or barcode count button is tapped from the toolbar.

Future<void> showToast(String text)

Added in version 6.20.0

Shows a toast with text inside the mini preview.

Future<void> setTriggerButtonImage(Uint8List image)

Added in version 7.0.0

Sets the image to use for the trigger button.

static Brush get defaultBrush

Added in version 6.20.0

Returns the default brush used by the overlay.

bool barcodeCountButtonVisible

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the barcode count button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool barcodeFindButtonVisible

Added in version 6.26.0

Indicates whether the barcode find button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool targetModeButtonVisible

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the target mode button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool scanningBehaviorButtonVisible

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the scanning behavior button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.

bool torchButtonVisible

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the torch button should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

Deprecated since version 7.0: The torch button has been moved to the mini preview. Use torchControlVisible instead.

bool zoomSwitchControlVisible

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the zoom switch control should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool triggerButtonVisible

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the trigger button should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool previewSizeControlVisible

Added in version 6.23.0

Indicates whether the mini preview size control should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool torchControlVisible

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the torch control should be shown to the user.

Default is true.


If SparkScanViewSettings.defaultTorchState is set to, torch control is hidden.

bool previewCloseControlVisible

Added in version 7.0.0

Indicates whether the mini preview close control should be shown to the user.

Default is true.

bool cameraSwitchButtonVisible

Added in version 6.24.0

Indicates whether the camera switch button should be shown to the user.

Default is false.


This API is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

String? stopCapturingText

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the default text to display in the button for the stop capturing action.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: The trigger button no longer displays text.

String? startCapturingText

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the default text to display in the button for the start capturing action.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: The trigger button no longer displays text.

String? resumeCapturingText

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the default text to display in the button for the resume capturing action.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: The trigger button no longer displays text.

String? scanningCapturingText

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the default text to display in the button when scanning in SparkScanScanningBehavior.single.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: The trigger button no longer displays text.

Color? triggerButtonCollapsedColor

Added in version 7.0.0

Sets the background color of the trigger button when button is collapsed.

Color? triggerButtonExpandedColor

Added in version 7.0.0

Sets the background color of the trigger button when button is expanded.

Color? triggerButtonAnimationColor

Added in version 7.0.0

Sets the color of the pulsing animation around the trigger button, which is shown when the scanner is active.

Color? triggerButtonTintColor

Added in version 7.0.0

Sets the trigger button tint color.

Color? captureButtonBackgroundColor

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the background color of the capture button.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: Use triggerButtonCollapsedColor and triggerButtonExpandedColor instead.

Color? captureButtonActiveBackgroundColor

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the background color of the capture button when scanning.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: This property is not relevant anymore.

Color? captureButtonTintColor

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the capture button icon and text color.

Default is null.

Deprecated since version 7.0: Use triggerButtonTintColor instead.

Color? toolbarBackgroundColor

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the toolbar background color.

Default is null.

Color? toolbarIconActiveTintColor

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the toolbar icon active color.

Default is null.

Color? toolbarIconInactiveTintColor

Added in version 6.20.0

Sets the toolbar icon inactive color.

Default is null.

Image? triggerButtonImage

Added in version 7.0.0

The image displayed in the trigger button.

State<StatefulWidget> createState()

Added in version 6.20.0

Implemented from StatefulWidget. Called by the Flutter framework.