Symbology Description
Defined in package
- Range
class Range
Added in version 6.0.0
- Range()
step)Added in version 6.0.0
Creates a new range object.
- minimum
getMinimum()Added in version 6.0.0
Minimum of the range.
- maximum
getMaximum()Added in version 6.0.0
Maximum of the range.
- step
getStep()Added in version 6.0.0
Step of the range.
- equals(obj)
equals(@Nullable Object obj)Added in version 6.1.0
Indicates whether some other object is equal to this one.
- hashCode()
hashCode()Added in version 6.1.0
Returns a hash code value for the object.
- SymbologyDescription
class SymbologyDescription
Added in version 6.0.0
Description specific to a particular barcode symbology.
- create(symbology)
static @NonNull SymbologyDescription create(Symbology symbology)
Added in version 6.0.0
Creates a new symbology description for a given barcode symbology.
- forIdentifier(identifier)
static @Nullable SymbologyDescription forIdentifier(@NonNull String identifier)
Added in version 6.1.0
Gets the symbology description for a given identifier.
- all()
static @NonNull List<@NonNull SymbologyDescription> all()
Added in version 6.0.0
Gets a description of each available barcode symbology.
- identifier
@NonNull String getIdentifier()
Added in version 6.0.0
Identifier of the symbology associated with this description.
- readableName
@NonNull String getReadableName()
Added in version 6.0.0
The human readable name of the symbology associated with this description.
- isAvailable
isAvailable()Added in version 6.0.0
Determines whether the symbology associated with this description is available.
- isColorInvertible
isColorInvertible()Added in version 6.0.0
Determines whether decoding of color-inverted (bright on dark) codes for the symbology associated with this description is available.
- activeSymbolCountRange
@NonNull Range getActiveSymbolCountRange()
Added in version 6.0.0
The supported active symbol count range for the symbology associated with this description.
- defaultSymbolCountRange
@NonNull Range getDefaultSymbolCountRange()
Added in version 6.1.0
The default symbol count range for the symbology associated with this description.
- supportedExtensions
@NonNull Set<@NonNull String> getSupportedExtensions()
Added in version 6.0.0
A list of extensions supported by the symbology associated with this description.
- symbology
Symbology getSymbology()
Added in version 6.1.0
The symbology associated with this description.