SparkScan View Settings

Defined in package com.scandit.datacapture.barcode.spark.ui

class SparkScanViewSettings

Added in version 6.15.0


Changing the values of SparkScanViewSettings instance after the creation of SparkScanView does not result in applying the changed settings to the corresponding view.


Added in version 6.26.0

Constructs a new SparkScan view settings to use when creating an instance of the SparkScanView.

You can set properties after creating an instance of SparkScanViewSettings.

SparkScanViewSettings settings = new SparkScanViewSettings();
@NonNull TimeInterval getTriggerButtonCollapseTimeout()
void setTriggerButtonCollapseTimeout(@NonNull TimeInterval value)

Added in version 6.15.0

The timeout to automatically switch to idle state. When set to negative value timeout is infinite.

Default is 5 seconds.

@NonNull TimeInterval getInactiveStateTimeout()
void setInactiveStateTimeout(@NonNull TimeInterval value)

Added in version 6.23.0

The timeout to automatically stop capturing.

Default is 10 seconds.

@NonNull SparkScanScanningMode getDefaultScanningMode()
void setDefaultScanningMode(@NonNull SparkScanScanningMode value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Sets the default scanning mode of the view.

Default is Default.

TorchState getDefaultTorchState()
void setDefaultTorchState(TorchState value)

Added in version 6.15.0

Sets the default torch state of the camera.

Default is TorchState.OFF.

boolean getSoundEnabled()
void setSoundEnabled(boolean value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Indicates whether the feedback should have sound enabled.

Default is true.

boolean getHapticEnabled()
void setHapticEnabled(boolean value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Indicates whether the feedback should have haptics enabled.

Default is true.

SparkScanViewHandMode getDefaultHandMode()
void setDefaultHandMode(SparkScanViewHandMode value)

Added in version 6.15.0

Sets the default hand mode of the view.

Default is SparkScanViewHandMode.RIGHT.

Deprecated since version 7.0: Hand mode is no longer supported. The trigger button can now be placed anywhere on the screen.

boolean getHoldToScanEnabled()
void setHoldToScanEnabled(boolean value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Indicates whether to keep scanning as long as the scan button is pressed.

Default is true.

boolean getHardwareTriggerEnabled()
void setHardwareTriggerEnabled(boolean value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Sets whether the SparkScanView should react to clicks on the hardware button specified in hardwareTriggerKeyCode. Disabled by default.


This feature is only available on devices with api >= 28. Whether a device supports this can be checked at runtime with the SparkScanView.hardwareTriggerSupported flag.

@Nullable Integer getHardwareTriggerKeyCode()
void setHardwareTriggerKeyCode(@Nullable Integer value)

Added in version 6.16.0

The button that acts as a scan trigger. Leave null to use the default button (The default button will be the dedicated HW button on XCover devices, and KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN for other devices). This is only taken into consideration if hardwareTriggerEnabled is true.

boolean getVisualFeedbackEnabled()
void setVisualFeedbackEnabled(boolean value)

Added in version 6.16.0

Indicates whether the visual feedback on scan should be displayed.

Default is true.

@NonNull SparkScanToastSettings getToastSettings()
void setToastSettings(@NonNull SparkScanToastSettings value)

Added in version 6.18.0

Sets the toast settings. See SparkScanToastSettings for details.

@NonNull String toJson()

Added in version 6.16.0

Returns the JSON representation of the spark scan settings.

float getZoomFactorOut()
void setZoomFactorOut(float value)

Added in version 6.23.0

The zoom factor to use for the camera.

Default is 1.

float getZoomFactorIn()
void setZoomFactorIn(float value)

Added in version 6.23.0

The zoom factor to move to when the zoom switch control was tapped.

Default is 2.

SparkScanMiniPreviewSize getDefaultMiniPreviewSize()
void setDefaultMiniPreviewSize(SparkScanMiniPreviewSize value)

Added in version 7.0.0

Sets the default size of the mini preview.

Default is SparkScanMiniPreviewSize.REGULAR.

CameraPosition getDefaultCameraPosition()
void setDefaultCameraPosition(CameraPosition value)

Added in version 6.24.0

Sets the default camera position.

Default is CameraPosition.WORLD_FACING.


This API is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

boolean equals(@Nullable Object other)

Added in version 6.26.0

Indicates whether some other object is equal to this one.

int hashCode()

Added in version 6.26.0

Returns a hash code value for the object.