Barcode Pick View Settings

Defined in package com.scandit.datacapture.barcode.pick.ui


Barcode Pick is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

class BarcodePickViewSettings

Added in version 6.19.0

Settings used to configure BarcodePickView.


Added in version 6.19.0

Constructs a new BarcodePickViewSettings object with default values.

@NonNull BarcodePickViewHighlightStyle getHighlightStyle()
void setHighlightStyle(@NonNull BarcodePickViewHighlightStyle value)

Added in version 6.19.0

The highlight style used by the view. Default is RectangularWithIcons.

boolean getShowLoadingDialog()
void setShowLoadingDialog(boolean value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Enables or disables the loading dialog. Default is true.

@NonNull String getLoadingDialogText()
void setLoadingDialogText(@NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown by the loading dialog.

boolean getShowGuidelines()
void setShowGuidelines(boolean value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Enables or disables the messages shown in the center of the view. Default is true.

@NonNull String getInitialGuidelineText()
void setInitialGuidelineText(@NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown when the mode is first launched.

@NonNull String getMoveCloserGuidelineText()
void setMoveCloserGuidelineText(@NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown when there are no barcodes detected on screen.

boolean getShowHints()
void setShowHints(boolean value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Enables or disables the messages shown at the top of the view. Default is true.

@NonNull String getOnFirstItemToPickFoundHintText()
void setOnFirstItemToPickFoundHintText(@NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown when the first item to pick is recognized and shown on screen.

@NonNull String getOnFirstItemPickCompletedHintText()
void setOnFirstItemPickCompletedHintText(@NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown when the first item pick is completed.

@NonNull String getOnFirstUnmarkedItemPickCompletedHintText()
void setOnFirstUnmarkedItemPickCompletedHintText(
        @NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown when the first item that was not a target is picked.

@NonNull String getOnFirstItemUnpickCompletedHintText()
void setOnFirstItemUnpickCompletedHintText(
        @NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.19.0

Configures the text shown when the user reverses a pick.

boolean getShowFinishButton()
void setShowFinishButton(boolean value)

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the finish button should be shown to the user. Default is true.

boolean getShowPauseButton()
void setShowPauseButton(boolean value)

Added in version 6.20.0

Indicates whether the pause button should be shown to the user. Default is true.

boolean getShowZoomButton()
void setShowZoomButton(boolean value)

Added in version 6.22.0

Indicates whether the zoom button should be shown to the user. When clicked, it will switch between CameraSettings.zoomFactor and CameraSettings.zoomGestureZoomFactor, which default to 1x and 2x respectively when using BarcodePick.createRecommendedCameraSettings(). Default is false.

Anchor getZoomButtonPosition()
void setZoomButtonPosition(Anchor value)

Added in version 6.25.0

Indicates the position where the zoom button will be shown to the user. If this position is shared with other controls, all of them will be shown in a row. Default is Anchor.BOTTOM_LEFT.

boolean getShowTorchButton()
void setShowTorchButton(boolean value)

Added in version 6.25.0

Indicates whether the torch button should be shown to the user. Default is false.

Anchor getTorchButtonPosition()
void setTorchButtonPosition(Anchor value)

Added in version 6.25.0

Indicates the position where the torch button will be shown to the user. If this position is shared with other controls, all of them will be shown in a row. Default is Anchor.TOP_LEFT.

@NonNull String getOnStatusIconShownWhilePausedHintText()
void setOnStatusIconShownWhilePausedHintText(
        @NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.23.0

Configures the text shown when the user freezes the mode while there are status icons in view.

@NonNull String getTapShutterToPauseGuidelineText()
void setTapShutterToPauseGuidelineText(@NonNull String value)

Added in version 6.23.0

Configures the text shown to suggest the user to pause the scanning to pick items.

@NonNull FloatWithUnit getUiButtonsOffset()
void setUiButtonsOffset(@NonNull FloatWithUnit value)

Added in version 6.22.0

Can be used to specify the vertical offset (for Portrait, horizontal for Landscape) for the UI buttons.

Default value is 32dp.

boolean getHardwareTriggerEnabled()
void setHardwareTriggerEnabled(boolean value)

Added in version 6.23.0

Sets whether the BarcodePickView should react to clicks on the hardware button specified in hardwareTriggerKeyCode. Disabled by default.


This feature is only available on devices with api >= 28. Whether a device supports this can be checked at runtime with the BarcodePickView.hardwareTriggerSupported flag.

@Nullable Integer getHardwareTriggerKeyCode()
void setHardwareTriggerKeyCode(@Nullable Integer value)

Added in version 6.23.0

The button that acts as a scan trigger. Leave null to use the default button (The default button will be the dedicated HW button on XCover devices, and KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN for other devices). This is only taken into consideration if hardwareTriggerEnabled is true.

@Nullable BarcodeFilterHighlightSettings getFilterHighlightSettings()
void setFilterHighlightSettings(@Nullable BarcodeFilterHighlightSettings value)

Added in version 6.24.0

Use this property to configure the appearance of the barcodes that are filtered. Default is null, filtered barcodes won’t be visualized.