
The Barcode Count status mode API is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

Barcode Count Status Result

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture

@interface SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult : NSObject

Added in version 6.17.0

An object used to provide a status list when calling SDCBarcodeCountStatusProviderCallback.onStatusReady:. Cannot be instantiated directly, instead must be created using one of the creator methods SDCBarcodeCountStatusSuccessResult.initWithStatusList:statusModeEnabledMessage:statusModeDisabledMessage:, SDCBarcodeCountStatusErrorResult.initWithStatusList:errorMessage:statusModeDisabledMessage: or SDCBarcodeCountStatusAbortResult.initWithErrorMessage:.

@interface SDCBarcodeCountStatusSuccessResult : SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult

Added in version 6.17.0

- initWithStatusList:statusModeEnabledMessage:statusModeDisabledMessage:
- (instancetype)initWithStatusList:(NSArray<SDCBarcodeCountStatusItem *> *)statusList
          statusModeEnabledMessage:(nullable NSString *)statusModeEnabledMessage
         statusModeDisabledMessage:(nullable NSString *)statusModeDisabledMessage

Added in version 6.17.0

Creator method that constructs a SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult representing success when retrieving the status for the required barcodes. statusModeEnabledMessage will be presented to the user after successfully enabling status mode, and statusModeDisabledMessage will be displayed when exiting it.

@interface SDCBarcodeCountStatusErrorResult : SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult

Added in version 6.17.0

- initWithStatusList:errorMessage:statusModeDisabledMessage:
- (instancetype)initWithStatusList:(NSArray<SDCBarcodeCountStatusItem *> *)statusList
                      errorMessage:(nullable NSString *)errorMessage
         statusModeDisabledMessage:(nullable NSString *)statusModeDisabledMessage

Added in version 6.17.0

Creator method that constructs a SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult representing an error when retrieving the status for the required barcodes. errorMessage will be presented to the user after successfully enabling status mode, and statusModeDisabledMessage will be displayed when exiting it.

@interface SDCBarcodeCountStatusAbortResult : SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult

Added in version 6.17.0

- initWithErrorMessage:
- (instancetype)initWithErrorMessage:(nullable NSString *)errorMessage

Added in version 6.17.0

Creator method that constructs a SDCBarcodeCountStatusResult representing a critical failure when retrieving the status for the required barcodes. Will abort the status mode immediately, displaying errorMessage to the user.