Barcode Batch Advanced Overlay

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture


Using this class requires the MatrixScan AR add-on.

@interface SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay : UIView <SDCDataCaptureOverlay>

Added in version 7.0.0

An overlay for SDCDataCaptureView that allows anchoring a single user-provided View to each tracked barcode.

The provided view is visible on the top of the camera preview as long as its tracked barcode is and for all this time retains its relative position to it. This is useful when an additional information should be provided to tracked barcodes in real time. For instance, a user may overlay the price of an item or its expiry date for each corresponding barcode.

To display the views, this overlay must be attached to a SDCDataCaptureView. This may be done either by creating it with overlayWithBarcodeBatch:forDataCaptureView: with a non-null view parameter or by passing this overlay to SDCDataCaptureView.addOverlay:.

A user of this class may configure what view is displayed for the given barcode and the relative position between the two by implementing SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate or by calling setView:forTrackedBarcode:, setAnchor:forTrackedBarcode: or setOffset:forTrackedBarcode:.

For additional information about using this overlay, refer to Adding AR Overlays .

+ overlayWithBarcodeBatch:forDataCaptureView:
+ (instancetype)overlayWithBarcodeBatch:(nonnull SDCBarcodeBatch *)barcodeBatch
                     forDataCaptureView:(nullable SDCDataCaptureView *)view

Added in version 7.0.0

Constructs a new Barcode Batch advanced overlay for the Barcode Batch instance. The overlay is automatically added to the view.

+ barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayFromJSONString:mode:error:
+ (nullable instancetype)
  barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayFromJSONString:(nonnull NSString *)JSONString
                                       mode:(nonnull SDCBarcodeBatch *)mode
                                      error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 7.0.0

Constructs a new Barcode Batch advanced overlay with the provided JSON serialization.

For the overlay to be displayed on screen, it must be added to a SDCDataCaptureView.

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate> delegate

Added in version 7.0.0

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldShowScanAreaGuides

Added in version 7.0.0

Whether to show scan area guides on top of the preview. This property is useful during development to visualize the current scan areas on screen. It is not meant to be used for production. By default this property is NO.

- setView:forTrackedBarcode:
- (void)setView:(nullable UIView *)view
forTrackedBarcode:(nonnull SDCTrackedBarcode *)trackedBarcode

Added in version 7.0.0

The method can be called to change the view drawn for the given tracked barcode. Setting the view to nil will unset the view from the tracked barcode and will effectively remove it from the overlay. This method is thread-safe, it can be called from any thread. The view set via this method will take precedence over the one set via SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:viewForTrackedBarcode:: in case a view is set before SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:viewForTrackedBarcode: got called, no call to SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:viewForTrackedBarcode: will happen.


Requires a special license key to support rendering any kind of images since this feature is available only in limited countries. Please contact for details

- setAnchor:forTrackedBarcode:
- (void)setAnchor:(SDCAnchor)anchor
forTrackedBarcode:(nonnull SDCTrackedBarcode *)trackedBarcode

Added in version 7.0.0

The method can be called to change the anchor point for the view associated with the given tracked barcode. This method is thread-safe, it can be called from any thread. The anchor set via this method will take precedence over the one set via SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:anchorForTrackedBarcode:: in case a view is set before SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:anchorForTrackedBarcode: got called, no call to SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:anchorForTrackedBarcode: will happen.

- setOffset:forTrackedBarcode:
- (void)setOffset:(SDCPointWithUnit)offset
forTrackedBarcode:(nonnull SDCTrackedBarcode *)trackedBarcode

Added in version 7.0.0

The method can be called to change the offset for the view associated with the given tracked barcode. This method is thread-safe, it can be called from any thread. The offset set via this method will take precedence over the one set via SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:offsetForTrackedBarcode:: in case a view is set before SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:offsetForTrackedBarcode: got called, no call to SDCBarcodeBatchAdvancedOverlayDelegate.barcodeBatchAdvancedOverlay:offsetForTrackedBarcode: will happen. If the SDCMeasureUnit of the offset is SDCMeasureUnitFraction, the offset is calculated relative to view’s dimensions.

- clearTrackedBarcodeViews
- (void)clearTrackedBarcodeViews

Added in version 7.0.0

Clears all the views for the currently tracked barcodes from this overlay. This method is thread-safe, it can be called from any thread.

- updateFromJSONString:error:
- (BOOL)updateFromJSONString:(nonnull NSString *)JSONString
                       error:(NSError **)error

Added in version 7.0.0

Updates the overlay according to a JSON serialization.