Composite Type Description

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture

@interface SDCCompositeTypeDescription : NSObject

Added in version 6.6.0

Description specific to a particular composite type.

- initWithCompositeType:
- (instancetype)initWithCompositeType:(SDCCompositeType)compositeType

Added in version 6.6.0

Creates a new composite type description for a given composite type.

+ descriptionFromCompositeType:
+ (instancetype)descriptionFromCompositeType:(SDCCompositeType)compositeType

Added in version 6.6.0

Creates a new composite type description for a given composite type.

@property (class, nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSArray<SDCCompositeTypeDescription *> *allCompositeTypeDescriptions

Added in version 6.6.0

A list of descriptions, one for each individual SDCCompositeType.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SDCCompositeType compositeTypes

Added in version 6.6.0

The composite types described by the description.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSSet<NSNumber *> *symbologies

Added in version 6.6.0

All symbologies that can be part of a composite code with the given composite type.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSString *JSONString

Added in version 6.6.0

Returns the JSON representation of the symbology description.