Barcode Selection Tap Selection

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture


Using this class requires the MatrixScan add-on.


Added in version 6.6.0

Enum used to specify how freezing of the frame preview should be handled. Freezing the preview helps the user select multiple codes which might be difficult to do on a live preview where the codes constantly move around a bit.


Added in version 6.6.0

The frame preview can only be frozen manually by double tapping anywhere on the screen.


Added in version 6.6.0

The frame preview is automatically frozen when all barcodes in view are recognized. It can also be frozen manually by double tapping anywhere on the screen.


This setting is still in beta and may not yet work reliably in all situations.


Added in version 6.6.0

Enum used to specify what happens when the user taps a barcode.


Added in version 6.6.0

Tapping an unselected barcode selects it. Tapping an already selected barcode will unselect it.


Added in version 6.6.0

Tapping an unselected barcode selects it. Tapping on an already selected barcode will increment the count returned by SDCBarcodeSelectionSession.countForBarcode:.

@interface SDCBarcodeSelectionTapSelection : NSObject <SDCBarcodeSelectionType>

Added in version 6.6.0

Tap based selection, customizable via freezeBehavior and tapBehavior.

+ tapSelection
+ (instancetype)tapSelection

Added in version 6.6.0

Creates a new SDCBarcodeSelectionTapSelection instance.

+ tapSelectionWithFreezeBehavior:tapBehavior:
+ (instancetype)tapSelectionWithFreezeBehavior:(SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior)

Added in version 6.6.0

Creates a new SDCBarcodeSelectionTapSelection instance with the specified SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior and SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehavior.

- initWithFreezeBehavior:tapBehavior:
- (instancetype)initWithFreezeBehavior:(SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior)freezeBehavior

Added in version 6.13.0

Creates a new SDCBarcodeSelectionTapSelection instance with the specified SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior and SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehavior.

@property (nonatomic) SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior freezeBehavior

Added in version 6.6.0

Freeze behavior to use, defaults to SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehaviorManual

@property (nonatomic) SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehavior tapBehavior

Added in version 6.6.0

@property (nonatomic) BOOL shouldFreezeOnDoubleTap

Added in version 6.12.0

Set should freeze on double tap, defaults to true.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSString *JSONString

Added in version 6.10.0

Returns the JSON representation.

NSString *_Nonnull NSStringFromBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior(SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior freezeBehavior)

Added in version 6.10.0

Serialize the barcode selection freeze behavior in a JSON string.

SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehaviorFromJSONString(JSONString, freezeBehavior)
BOOL SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehaviorFromJSONString(NSString *_Nonnull JSONString, SDCBarcodeSelectionFreezeBehavior *_Nonnull freezeBehavior)

Added in version 6.10.0

Deserialize the barcode selection freeze behavior from a JSON string.

Deprecated since version 6.26.0: This function will be removed in the future.

NSString *_Nonnull NSStringFromBarcodeSelectionTapBehavior(SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehavior tapBehavior)

Added in version 6.10.0

Serialize the barcode selection tap behavior in a JSON string.

SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehaviorFromJSONString(JSONString, tapBehavior)
BOOL SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehaviorFromJSONString(NSString *_Nonnull JSONString, SDCBarcodeSelectionTapBehavior *_Nonnull tapBehavior)

Added in version 6.10.0

Deserialize the barcode selection tap behavior from a JSON string.

Deprecated since version 6.26.0: This function will be removed in the future.