Barcode Pick View Highlight Style Rectangular


Barcode Pick is still in beta and may change in future versions of Scandit Data Capture SDK.

Defined in framework ScanditBarcodeCapture

@interface SDCBarcodePickViewHighlightStyleRectangular : NSObject <SDCBarcodePickViewHighlightStyle>

Added in version 6.19.0

A style that will draw rectangles on top of barcodes.

- brushForState:
- (SDCBrush *)brushForState:(SDCBarcodePickState)state

Added in version 6.19.0

Gets the brush used for the passed pick state.

- setBrush:forState:
- (void)setBrush:(SDCBrush *)brush

Added in version 6.19.0

Use this method to configure the brush used for the specific pick state.

- selectedBrushForState:
- (nullable SDCBrush *)selectedBrushForState:(SDCBarcodePickState)state

Added in version 6.24.0

Gets the brush used when items in the passed pick state are selected. If nil, selected items are drawn with the same brush as non-selected items in the same state. Default is nil for all states.

- setSelectedBrush:forState:
- (void)setSelectedBrush:(nullable SDCBrush *)brush

Added in version 6.24.0

Use this method to configure the brush used when items in the specific pick state are selected. Pass nil to draw selected items with the same brush as non-selected items in the same state.

@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) NSString *JSONString

Added in version 6.19.0

Returns the JSON representation of this SDCBarcodePickViewHighlightStyleRectangular.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger minimumHighlightWidth

Added in version 6.25.0

Minimum width for the highlights. Default is 40dp.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger minimumHighlightHeight

Added in version 6.25.0

Minimum height for the highlights. Default is 40dp.